How to Cover Your Budgie Cage at Night

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If you own a budgie, you may wonder if it’s necessary to cover its cage at night. Covering the cage can provide a sense of security and help your bird sleep better. However, it’s important to do it correctly to avoid any potential risks. In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about how to cover your budgie cage at night.

Why Cover a Budgie Cage at Night?

Budgies are diurnal creatures, which means they’re active during the day and sleep at night. Covering their cage can help create a sense of security and encourage them to rest. Additionally, it can help reduce any disturbances that may occur during the night, such as light and noise.

When Should You Cover the Cage?

Budgies should have 10 to 12 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night. This means covering the cage at the same time each night and uncovering it at the same time each morning. It’s best to cover the cage once the sun has set and remove the cover once the sun has risen.

What Type of Cover Should You Use?

It’s important to choose a lightweight cover that allows for airflow. A breathable cover will prevent any heat buildup and reduce the risk of suffocation. Avoid using heavy blankets or covers that can be chewed or tangled in.

How to Cover the Cage Correctly

Step 1: Remove Any Potential Hazards

Before covering the cage, remove any potential hazards such as toys, food, and water bowls. This will prevent your budgie from accidentally getting trapped or injured.

Step 2: Use a Lightweight Cover

Choose a lightweight cover that’s breathable and allows for airflow. You can use a purpose-made bird cage cover or a light cotton sheet. Make sure the cover is large enough to fully cover the cage.

Step 3: Make Sure the Cover is Secure

Ensure the cover is secure and won’t come loose during the night. You can use clothespins or clips to hold the cover in place. Avoid using anything that may be hazardous to your budgie, such as rubber bands or string.

Step 4: Leave Enough Space for Airflow

Make sure there’s enough space between the cover and the cage to allow for airflow. This will prevent heat buildup and reduce the risk of suffocation. You can leave a small gap at the top or bottom of the cage to allow for ventilation.

What to Avoid When Covering the Cage

There are a few things to avoid when covering your budgie’s cage at night:

  • Heavy covers that can cause heat buildup and suffocation.
  • Covers that can be chewed or tangled in.
  • Anything that may be hazardous to your budgie, such as rubber bands or string.

Tips for Ensuring Your Budgie Sleeps Well at Night

Here are some tips for ensuring your budgie gets a good night’s sleep:

  • Stick to a consistent sleep schedule.
  • Provide a quiet and dark environment.
  • Avoid any disturbances during the night
  • Provide a comfortable and secure cage for your budgie.
  • Make sure your budgie has access to fresh water and food during the day.
  • Avoid playing loud music or making loud noises near your budgie’s cage during the day.


Covering your budgie’s cage at night can provide a sense of security and help your bird sleep better. However, it’s important to choose a lightweight cover that allows for airflow and to secure it properly to avoid any potential risks. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can ensure your budgie gets a good night’s sleep and stays healthy.

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