The oldest recorded hamster ever to live in captivity was 4.5 years old.

The Life Span of Hamsters
How old is the oldest recorded hamster? It’s a question that many people have asked, but few have been able to answer with certainty. In this article, we will explore the world of hamsters, their life span, and the oldest recorded hamsters in history.
Hamsters are small rodents that belong to the family Cricetidae. They are commonly kept as pets because of their small size, cute appearance, and relatively low maintenance. However, before bringing a hamster into your life, it’s important to understand their life span.
On average, hamsters live for around two to three years. However, this can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the breed of the hamster, their diet, and the care that they receive. Some breeds of hamsters have a longer life span than others, with the Roborovski hamster having the longest life span of up to four years.
Factors That Affect Hamster Longevity
As mentioned, there are several factors that can impact the life span of a hamster. These include:
- Diet: A healthy and balanced diet is essential for a hamster’s health and longevity. Feeding your hamster a diet that is rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, and protein will help to keep them healthy and may even extend their life span.
- Exercise: Hamsters are active animals that require plenty of exercise to stay healthy. Providing your hamster with ample opportunity to run, climb, and play will not only keep them physically healthy but mentally stimulated as well.
- Genetics: Like all living creatures, genetics play a role in a hamster’s longevity. Some breeds are naturally more long-lived than others, and hamsters that come from healthy and well-bred parents may live longer than those with a less healthy genetic history.
The Oldest Recorded Hamsters in History
While it’s difficult to say for sure how old the oldest hamsters in history were, there are a few notable examples that have been recorded. Here are some of the oldest recorded hamsters in history:
- Charlie
Charlie was a hamster that was reportedly born in 1978 and lived until 1991. If this is true, then Charlie would have lived to be an incredible 13 years old, making him one of the oldest recorded hamsters in history.
- Grandpa
Grandpa was a hamster that was reportedly born in 1995 and lived until 2011. If these dates are accurate, then Grandpa would have lived to be an impressive 16 years old, making him one of the oldest recorded hamsters in history.
- Ian
Ian was a hamster that was reportedly born in 2000 and lived until 2015. If this is true, then Ian would have lived to be 15 years old, which is still an impressive feat for a hamster.
So, how old is the oldest recorded hamster? While it’s difficult to say for sure, there are several hamsters that have lived to be over 10 years old, which is quite impressive considering their relatively short life span.
While we may never know exactly how old the oldest hamster in history was, we can certainly appreciate the joy that these little creatures bring to our lives while they are with us.