What to Do If Your Hamster Gives Birth? A Comprehensive Guide

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Hamsters are adorable, furry creatures that make excellent pets. However, if you own a female hamster, you may find yourself with an unexpected surprise one day – a litter of baby hamsters. While the birth of baby hamsters can be a thrilling experience, it also comes with a lot of responsibility.

In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about taking care of your hamster and her newborns.


Hamsters are known for their ability to breed quickly and frequently. A female hamster can give birth to a litter of six to twelve pups every four weeks. If you’re a new hamster owner and find yourself in this situation, you may feel overwhelmed and unsure about what to do. But fear not – we’ve got you covered.

Signs of Hamster Pregnancy

The first step in taking care of your hamster’s newborns is recognizing that your hamster is pregnant. Signs of hamster pregnancy include weight gain, nesting behavior, and reduced activity levels. You may also notice that your hamster’s nipples are larger and more visible.

Preparing for the Birth

Once you’ve identified that your hamster is pregnant, you need to prepare for the birth. Here are some things you should do:

  • Provide your hamster with a comfortable and quiet environment. This will help her feel safe and secure.
  • Ensure that your hamster has access to clean water and nutritious food.
  • Provide your hamster with nesting material, such as shredded paper or hay, to create a cozy and warm nest for her newborns.
  • Keep an eye on your hamster and monitor her behavior.

The Birth

Hamsters typically give birth at night, so it’s important to be prepared and vigilant during this time. Here’s what you should do:

  • Give your hamster space and privacy. Don’t disturb her while she’s giving birth.
  • Keep an eye on your hamster from a distance to make sure everything is going smoothly.
  • Be prepared to intervene if necessary. If you notice that one of the newborns is not breathing or the mother is having difficulty giving birth, seek veterinary assistance immediately.

Caring for the Newborns

Once the newborns are born, it’s important to provide them with the proper care and attention. Here are some things you should do:

  • Make sure the newborns are warm and cozy. Keep the nest temperature between 68-72°F.
  • Check on the newborns regularly to make sure they’re feeding and growing properly.
  • Provide your hamster with extra food and water to support her milk production.
  • Don’t handle the newborns for the first two weeks of their life. This can stress out the mother and put the newborns at risk.
  • Separate the male and female newborns after four weeks to prevent breeding.


In conclusion, taking care of a hamster and her newborns requires patience, attention, and care. By preparing for the birth, monitoring the mother, and providing proper care for the newborns, you can ensure that your hamster family stays healthy and happy. If you’re ever in doubt, don’t hesitate to seek veterinary assistance.


How many babies do hamsters typically have?

Hamsters can have a litter of six to twelve pups every four weeks.

Can I touch the newborn hamsters?

No, it’s best to avoid handling the newborn hamsters for the first two weeks of their life to avoid stressing out the mother.

How can I tell if my hamster is pregnant?

Signs of hamster pregnancy include weight gain, nesting behavior, and reduced activity levels.

What should I feed my hamster during and after pregnancy?

It’s important to provide your hamster with a nutritious and well-balanced diet, especially during and after pregnancy. You can offer your hamster a variety of foods, including commercial hamster food, fresh fruits and vegetables, and small amounts of protein such as cooked chicken or boiled eggs.

How often should I clean the hamster’s cage during and after pregnancy?

You should clean your hamster’s cage regularly to ensure a clean and healthy environment for the mother and the newborns. During pregnancy, clean the cage once a week and provide fresh bedding.

After the birth, you can spot-clean the cage every day to remove any soiled bedding or food, and do a full clean every two weeks.

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