How Much Exercise Does My Dog Need Each Day?

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As dog owners, we all want our furry friends to live healthy and happy lives. One important aspect of our dog’s health is exercise. But how much exercise does our dog need each day? This is a common question among dog owners, and the answer can vary depending on several factors.

On this topic, we will discuss the recommended amount of exercise for dogs and provide some tips for making sure your dog gets the exercise they need.

The Recommended Amount of Exercise for Dogs

The amount of exercise your dog needs each day depends on several factors, including their age, breed, size, and overall health. As a general rule, most dogs need at least 30 minutes to one hour of exercise each day. This can be broken up into two or three shorter sessions throughout the day. However, some dogs may need more exercise than this, while others may need less.

If you have a puppy or a young dog, they will likely have more energy and need more exercise than an older dog. Puppies should not engage in high-impact exercise until their bones have fully developed, usually around 18 months of age. Until then, stick to low-impact activities such as walking, swimming, and playing fetch.

Breed and size are also important factors to consider. Larger breeds such as Great Danes and Mastiffs may not need as much exercise as smaller, high-energy breeds like Border Collies and Jack Russell Terriers.

Keep in mind that some breeds are more prone to certain health conditions, and their exercise needs may be affected. For example, dogs with hip dysplasia or arthritis may need low-impact exercise to avoid exacerbating their condition.

Tips for Making Sure Your Dog Gets Enough Exercise

  1. Schedule regular exercise sessions – It’s important to establish a routine for your dog’s exercise. This helps them know what to expect and when to expect it. Try to exercise your dog at the same time each day.
  2. Mix up the activities – Dogs love variety, and mixing up the activities you do with your dog can keep them engaged and interested. Try taking your dog for a walk one day and playing fetch the next.
  3. Consider your dog’s personality – Some dogs are more social than others and enjoy playing with other dogs. If your dog is social, consider setting up playdates with other dogs or taking them to a dog park.
  4. Use interactive toys – Interactive toys like puzzle feeders and treat dispensers can provide mental stimulation and exercise for your dog.
  5. Don’t forget about mental exercise – Mental exercise is just as important as physical exercise for dogs. Consider teaching your dog new tricks or practicing obedience training.
  6. Consult with your vet – If you’re unsure about how much exercise your dog needs, consult with your vet. They can provide guidance based on your dog’s specific needs and health condition.


Conclusion, the amount of exercise your dog needs each day can vary depending on several factors. As a general rule, most dogs need at least 30 minutes to one hour of exercise each day. It’s important to consider your dog’s age, breed, size, and overall health when determining their exercise needs.

By scheduling regular exercise sessions, mixing up the activities, and providing mental stimulation, you can help ensure that your dog stays healthy and happy.


How much exercise does a small dog need each day?

Small dogs, such as Chihuahuas and Toy Poodles, typically require around 30 minutes of exercise per day. This can be broken up into two shorter sessions, such as a 15-minute walk in the morning and evening.

How much exercise does a large dog need each day?

Large dogs, such as Great Danes and Saint Bernards, may require up to two hours of exercise per day. This can include activities such as walking, running, and playing fetch.

How much exercise does a senior dog need each day?

Senior dogs may require less exercise than younger dogs, but it’s still important to keep them active. A daily 20-30 minute walk or gentle playtime can help keep senior dogs healthy and prevent joint problems.

What are some low-impact exercises for dogs?

Low-impact exercises, such as swimming and walking, can be great for dogs with joint problems or those recovering from surgery. Other low-impact exercises include gentle stretching, slow jogging, and playing with toys.

Can I over-exercise my dog?

Yes, it’s possible to over-exercise your dog. This can lead to injuries, fatigue, and even heat stroke. It’s important to monitor your dog’s activity level and gradually increase exercise over time to avoid over-exertion. If you’re unsure about how much exercise your dog needs, consult with your vet.

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Paul Smith

Paul Smith is an author who loves animals and helps readers understand how to handle their pets well. He is an expert writer who has written about the life of pets in digital media.