Why Are My Cat’s Ears Hot? Find the Reason

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As a cat lover, you may have noticed that your furry friend’s ears sometimes feel warmer than usual. You might have wondered if this is a normal physiological process or a sign of an underlying health problem. On this interesting topic, we will find out the reasons behind why your cat’s ears might feel hot, what could be the underlying causes, and when to be concerned about it.

Understanding Normal Feline Ear Temperature

Before we dive into the reasons behind why your cat’s ears might feel hot, it’s essential to understand the normal temperature range for feline ears. A cat’s normal body temperature ranges from 100.5 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit (38 to 39.2 degrees Celsius). The temperature of their ears can vary depending on factors like their activity level, environment, and stress levels.

However, a cat’s ears usually feel slightly warmer than the rest of their body. This is because their ears have a robust blood supply, which helps regulate their body temperature. Additionally, a cat’s ears have little to no fur, making them more exposed to temperature changes.

Reasons Why Your Cat’s Ears Might Feel Hot

Here are some of the reasons why your cat’s ears might feel hot:


If your cat loves to sunbathe, they might have warmer ears due to the heat from the sun. Feline ears are thin and have a lot of blood vessels, making them more susceptible to temperature changes.

Exercise or Playtime

After exercise or playtime, a cat’s ears might feel hot due to increased blood flow to their ears. This is a normal physiological response to physical activity.

Stress or Anxiety

Stress or anxiety can cause a cat’s body to release adrenaline, which can cause their blood vessels to constrict. This can lead to reduced blood flow to certain parts of their body, including their ears. However, prolonged stress or anxiety can lead to chronic vasoconstriction, which can cause their ears to feel cold.

Fever or Infection

One of the most common reasons why a cat’s ears might feel hot is due to a fever or infection. When a cat has an infection, their immune system kicks into overdrive, causing their body temperature to rise. As a result, their ears might feel warmer than usual.

Allergic Reaction

An allergic reaction can cause a cat’s ears to feel hot and itchy. This is because their immune system releases histamines in response to the allergen, causing their blood vessels to dilate and their ears to feel warm.

Hormonal Changes

Hormonal changes, such as those that occur during a cat’s heat cycle, can cause their ears to feel hot. This is due to the increased blood flow to their ears and the release of hormones.

Skin Conditions

Certain skin conditions, such as eczema or dermatitis, can cause a cat’s ears to feel hot and itchy. These conditions can be triggered by allergens, environmental factors, or genetics, and can lead to inflammation of the skin.

Blood Circulation

A cat’s ears might feel hot if their blood circulation is compromised due to an injury or a medical condition. Poor blood circulation can cause their ears to feel cold or hot, depending on the severity of the condition.

When to Be Concerned

While a cat’s ears feeling hot is usually not a cause for concern, there are some situations where you should consult with your veterinarian. If your cat’s ears feel excessively hot, they might be experiencing a fever or an infection. Other signs of a fever in cats include lethargy, loss of appetite, vomiting, and diarrhea. If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s essential to take your cat to the vet as soon as possible.

Additionally, if your cat’s ears feel hot and they’re exhibiting other symptoms such as shaking their head, scratching their ears, or discharge from their ears, they might have an ear infection. Ear infections can be caused by bacteria, yeast, or allergies, and can be treated with medication prescribed by a veterinarian.

How to Check Your Cat’s Ear Temperature

If you’re curious about your cat’s ear temperature, you can use a digital thermometer to measure it. However, it’s essential to follow the correct procedure to avoid hurting your cat or damaging their eardrum. Here’s how to check your cat’s ear temperature:

  1. Use a digital thermometer that’s specifically designed for pets.
  2. Gently lift your cat’s ear and insert the thermometer into their ear canal.
  3. Hold the thermometer in place for the recommended time (usually around 30 seconds).
  4. Remove the thermometer and check the temperature reading.

It’s important to note that a cat’s ear temperature can vary depending on several factors, and taking their temperature regularly might not be necessary unless they’re experiencing symptoms.

Preventing Hot Ears in Cats

To prevent hot ears in cats, make sure they’re in a comfortable environment with access to shade and water. If your cat spends time outside, monitor their sun exposure and limit their time in direct sunlight. Additionally, regular veterinary check-ups can help identify and treat underlying medical conditions that might cause their ears to feel hot.


A cat ears warm is usually not a cause for concern, and it can be a normal physiological response to various factors. However, if your cat is exhibiting other symptoms or their ears feel excessively hot, it’s essential to consult with your veterinarian to rule out any underlying medical conditions.


What should I do if my cat’s ears feel hot?

If your cat’s ears feel hot, monitor their behavior and look for other symptoms. If they’re exhibiting other signs of illness or discomfort, take them to the vet for an examination.

Should I take my cat to the vet if their ears are hot?

Not necessarily. A cat’s ears feeling hot is usually not a cause for concern unless they’re exhibiting other symptoms. However, if you’re unsure or concerned, consult with your veterinarian.

How can I tell if my cat has a fever?

You can tell if your cat has a fever by measuring their body temperature using a digital thermometer. A cat’s normal body temperature ranges from 100.5 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit (38 to 39.2 degrees Celsius).

Can ear mites cause hot ears in cats?

Ear mites can cause inflammation and irritation in a cat’s ears, but they usually don’t cause their ears to feel hot. However, ear mites can lead to secondary infections that might cause their ears to feel hot.

Can hot ears in cats be a sign of stress?

Yes, stress can cause hot cat ears. When cats are stressed, their bodies release cortisol, a hormone that increases blood flow and can cause their ears to feel warm.

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Paul Smith

Paul Smith is an author who loves animals and helps readers understand how to handle their pets well. He is an expert writer who has written about the life of pets in digital media.